miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Beauty? * Belleza?

Antes de empezar a escribir sobre otros temas quería escribir sobre lo que en realidad "Be You" significa para mi. Todos hemos luchado en algún momento contra el concepto de belleza y honestamente la mayor parte de las batallas las hemos perdido. Pensar que somos los únicos que nos sentimos así es un error, porque todos los días en todos los continentes, en todos los países y en todas las ciudades hay personas que quedan tendidos en el piso después de esta pelea contra nosotros mismos y contra la sociedad que nos llena la cabeza de falsos conceptos y realidades. Yo, bueno yo he tenido mis muchas batallas al respecto y muchísimas veces he acabado tendida en el suelo también. Sin embargo, siempre me levante y hoy en día lo sigo haciendo después de caerme de nuevo. Cada golpe que nos llevamos en la vida deja una marca, una señal, una cicatriz, para que? Para que recordemos lo que en algún momento nos causo tristeza y hoy se convierta en fuente de fortaleza. Por eso, hoy yo les digo que la belleza va muchísimo mas allá del peso, de la estatura, de el dinero, de la ropa, de las revistas, del maquillaje y de la moda. La belleza esta adentro de cada uno, la belleza soy yo, la belleza eres tú, la belleza somos todos. Cuántos hay en el mundo igual a ti? Con tus ojos, boca, nariz? Con tu cabello rizado o lacio? Con tu sonrisa, con tu mirada, con tu voz? Con tu espíritu, tu alma, tu capacidad de amar? La respuesta: Solo 1..... TÚ! Así que busca las cosas que te hacen único y empieza a trabajarlas y resaltarlas. ¿Porque te gustaría ser como alguien más? Dale a los demás lo que no tienen que TÚ si y empieza a ver en el espejo el verdadero reflejo de cuan valioso eres! Trabaja de adentro para fuera y te darás cuenta que una vez que descubriste quien eres, sabrás que no va a ver nadie en el mundo que sea igual de hermoso que tú porque no hay nadie como tú! Se único, se feliz, se valiente, se tú mismo, se HERMOSO!!! Cuan hermoso? Bueno mi amigo, eso depende de TI!!!


Before I begin writing about other things, I want to share with you guys what "Be You" really means to me. Every single one of us has fought at some point against the concept of beauty and let's be honest.... most of the times we have lost. Thinking that we are the only one feeling this way is a mistake because every day tons of people in different continents, countries and cities end up on the floor after a fight against themselves and against the society that has filled up our minds with fake concepts and realities. Me, well I have had my fair share of battles about it and have ended up on the floor too. Nevertheless, I always got up and I keep doing it every time I get knocked down again. Every hit we have received in life, every mark, every scar, what is it for? So we can look at them and remember what once caused us pain and turn it into strength to keep going. That is why today I'm telling you guys that beauty goes beyond weight, high, money, clothes, magazines and fashion. Beauty is within us, beauty is me, beauty is you, and beauty is us. How many people are there like you? With the same eyes, nose and mouth? With your curly or straight hair? With your smile, your look, your voice? With your spirit, soul and capacity of love? The answer: Just 1.... YOU! So look for all of those things that make you unique and start working on them and make them more visible. Why would you like to be like someone else? Give others what they don't have that you do and start looking to the truly reflection of your value in the mirror. Work in yourself from the inside out and once you figure out who you are, you will finally see that there is no one in the world as beautiful as you because there is no one like you! Be unique, be happy, be brave and BE YOU! BE*YOUTIFUL! How beautiful? Well my friend..... That is up to YOU!

“Nobody should be judged on their looks. Beauty is not found on the body but in the soul. The only thing the media has done is change the definition of the word. I mean being attractive may make it easier to catch some one but being kind and loving is how you keep some one. Be yourself.”
― Danyon Guthrie-lewis  

4 comentarios:

  1. That is what beauty should be about! Yourself!

    1. It is! You helped me get up a bunch of times too baby! You have helped me to understand some of the things I wrote today! I love you!

  2. Your view is a very accurate one. If people would understand it like this there would be more happier people out there.

    1. Indeed! It is very sad some people go their entire lives looking for that fake happiness! :-(
